Can you already see the attitude I have coming my way from this girl? Prissy, pouty, sweet, and happy. All at the same time.

In a change of subject...
March for Babies 2010 is right around the corner (again)! Now this year I am pumped to be able to participate and walk those 5 miles. Last year, I was on the DL due to the fact that I was laying in a hospital bed trying to stay pregnant as long as possible. Obviously, you all know the story so I'm not going to get into why we are passionate about supporting this wonderful organization. The facts are simple...we want to stop prematurity from happening to others. We want all babies born healthy and full term, God willing. March of Dimes is dedicated to this.
So, we ask very kindly, that if you can donate to TEAM COY and help support an organization that has helped us get through some of the toughest days of our lives, please do so. You can click on my fundraiser bar to the right of the page if you'd like to help.
We'd love to see y'all at the walk too. It's April 25th at the University of Houston campus. Sign up at Coy and Cydney will both be there...(illness free, we hope)! Come join us!!
Wow. I cant believe how big and cute both you kids are. I am so happy that all is going well in the Kolkhorst family. Loved the rodeo pictures. I am walking in the march of dimes walk. Hope to see you there.