If you haven't noticed by now, I am a very very inconsistent and random blogger. One minute I have the time and feel like doing it and something to say, the next, I don't. I do want to remember all of our sweet adventures and things so I thought I'd upload some photos and jot a few thoughts down.
Cydney is now 15 months. Her personality is that of a 'bull in a china cabinet'. She is full-on, non-stop and doesn't take 'no' for an answer. I would say she has her father's personality. She loves to climb everything in sight and has given me a few heart attacks in the past week alone. We recently put in her a gymnastics class (the same time Coy goes) and she has a blast. She is a great sleeper, eater, and everything in between. The difference in having a (almost) full termer compared to a micro preemie is tremendous. I'm sure it's part of the 'second child' mentality too, but everything is just easier with her. We don't worry if she doesn't eat one night or is a few weeks later at developing something. If she gets sick, (which is not very often) I'm not worried if her O2 sat is low or if she's gonna get pneumonia a few days later. She ADORES her big brother and wants to do everything he does. She is now obsessed with 'choo-choos' because Coy is too. People always crack up at her in public because she is so 'friendly' saying "hi!" or "bye-bye!" to everyone that goes by. I can't get enough of her and love her to pieces. I can't wait to see how she continues to develop and grow. We are so blessed by our 'Sissy'.
Coy will be turning 3 years old in a few weeks...I can't believe it. The past year has flown by. I remember his 2nd birthday like it was yesterday. To say that he's grown up recently would be an understatement. He's the sweetest kid and has the biggest heart. He loves his cousins, sister, friends, going to school, MOPS, playing outside, reading books, and gymnastics. Poor thing is a skinny little guy. He does eat well, but gets easily distracted at times. His speech has really grown over the past few months and I think a big part of that is the peer influence at school. He is still in therapy 3 times weekly for PT, Speech, and OT. He enjoys it and his therapists are all awesome people. We still look at him in amazement, he is such a special guy. I can't wait for Christmas this year and watch him enjoy all the special things we will do. I don't know who will be more excited...him or I.
Last weekend we had some at the pumpkin patch, carved our pumpkin, and had some fun trick or treating! At the pumpkin patch, Coy loved riding on the hayride and feeding the goats. Cydney loved to run around...everything is new to her this year since she was just 3 months old last year. She has such a sense of exploration and everything makes her curious. They had a blast trick-or-treating and tried to eat all their candy. I'm thinking they both may have a sweet tooth like their mama...
Lightning McQueen! |
Tinkerbell |
Cousins! |
Tinkerbell and Lightning McQueen going to their first house... |
She got a sword! |
Before going trick or treating... |
With Grandma & Grandpa... |
Carving the pumpkin with Daddy... |
At the Pumpkin Patch! |
Corn maze! |
Feeding the goats... |
Snow cones are so good! |
Sunflowers! |
Hope that catches you up on us recently! Have a great weekend! :)
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